Great Porter Square: A Mystery. v. 1 Page 8
We hinted to our readers yesterday that we should have something ofgreat interest to lay before them to-day with respect to AntonyCowlrick. For reasons which we shall in due time explain, we postponethe statement until we can present it in a complete and satisfactoryform. We append a list of subscriptions which have been sent to us inresponse to our announcement that we were ready to receive contributionsin aid of the unfortunate man. The signatures of some of the donors aresuggestive:--"One who was Wrongfully Convicted" sends 1s. 6d.; "A PoorWidow, whose little boy, nine years of age, was lately sentenced tothree months' hard labour for breaking a window," sends a penny postagestamp; "A man whose life was almost sworn away by the police" sends 6d.;"One who has been there" sends 2s.; four "Lovers of Justice" send smallsums; "A Reformed Detective" sends 8d.; "A Poor Old Moke" sends 2d.; theSecretary of a "Mutual Protection Society for the Education of Burglars'Children" sends 5s.; "M.P.," who intends to ask a question when theHouse meets, sends L3 3s.; and sundry others. The total amount now inour hands is L23 4s. 7d., which we hold at the disposal of AntonyCowlrick, who, despite his apparent poverty, has not thought fit tocall at our office to claim it.