Great Porter Square: A Mystery. v. 1 Read online

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  Have you ever observed and studied the expressions on the faces of thepeople who congregate before the "Murder" proclamations pasted up inScotland Yard, and on the dead walls of the poor neighbourhoods inEngland? Have you ever endeavoured, by a mental process, to discover thecharacters of some of these gaping men and women who read the bills andlinger before them with a horrible fascination? Appropriate, indeed,that such announcements of mysterious murders should be pasted on _dead_walls! Come with me, and mingle for a few moments with this littlegroup, gathered before a Government proclamation in Parliament-street,offering a reward for the discovery of a murderer. Here is arespectable-looking workman, with his basket of tools over his shoulder,running his eyes swiftly down the bill, and taking in its purport withrapid comprehension. He knows already about the murder, as indeed allLondon does, having read the particulars in the newspapers. "They'veoffered a reward at last," he thinks, with a scornful smile: "they oughtto have done it a month ago. Too late, now. This is another added tothe list. How many undiscovered murders have been committed in the lasttwelve months? Temple of intellect, Scotland Yard!" As he walks away tohis work, he looks with a kind of contempt at the policeman saunteringlazily along. Here is a young woman, without a bonnet, reading the billvery slowly; she can read quicker if she likes, but as the words passbefore her eyes, she thinks of her own life and the drunken brute of aman she is living with. She would leave him to-day, this very moment,but she is afraid. "Do!" the brute has frequently exclaimed, when shehas threatened to run away from him; "and say your prayers! As sure asyou stand there I'll kill yer, my beauty! I don't mind being 'ung foryer!" And in proof of his fondness for her, he gives her, for thehundredth time, a taste of his power by striking her to the earth. "Gitup!" he cries, "and never cheek me agin, or it'll be worse for yer." "Iwonder," the young woman is now thinking as she reads the particulars ofthe murder, "whether there'll ever be a bill like that out about _me_;for Jack's a cunning one!" Here is an errand boy reading the bill, withhis eyes growing larger and larger. Murders will be committed in hisdreams to-night. But before night comes an irresistible fascination willdraw him to the neighbourhood in which the murder was committed, and hewill feast his eyes upon the house. Here is an old woman spelling outthe words, wagging her head the while. It is as good as a play to her.She lives in Pye Street, Westminster, and is familiar with crime in itsevery aspect. She is drunk--she has not been sober a day for thirtyyears. Well, she was born in a thief's den, and her mother died in adelirium of drink. Here is a thief, who has lived more than half hislife in prison, reading the bill critically, with a professional eye.It would be a pleasure to him to detect a flaw in it. There is in hismind a certain indignation that some person unknown to himself or hisfriends should have achieved such notoriety. "I'd like to catch 'im," hethinks, "and pocket the shiners." He wouldn't peach on a pal, but, forsuch a reward, he would on one who was not "in the swim." Here is adark-visaged man reading the bill secretly, unaware that he is castingfurtive glances around to make sure that he is not being watched. Thereis guilt on the soul of this man; a crime undiscovered, which haunts himby day and night. He reads, and reads, and reads; and then slinks intothe nearest public-house, and spends his last twopence in gin. As heraises the glass to his lips he can scarcely hold it, his hand tremblesso. How sweet must life be to the man who holds it on such terms; andhow terrible the fears of death! Here is another man who reads the billwith an assumption of indifference, and even compels himself to read itslowly a second time, and then walks carelessly away. He walks, withstrangely steady steps, along Parliament Street, southwards, and turnsto Westminster Bridge, holding all the way some strong emotion incontrol. Difficult as it is, he has a perfect mastery over himself, andno sound escapes him till he reaches the bridge; then he leans over,and gives vent to his emotion. It takes the form of laughter--horriblelaughter--which he sends downwards into the dark waters of the Thames,hiding his face the while! What secret lies concealed in his brain? Ishe mad--or worse?

  Many small knots of people had lately gathered before the bills postedon London walls, of which one was in the possession of Mrs. JamesPreedy:


  L100 REWARD.

  _Whereas, on the morning of Thursday, the 10th of July, the Dead Body ofa_ MAN _was found on the premises, No. 119, Great Porter Square, London,under such circumstances as prove that he was Murdered. An Inquesthas been held on the Body, and the Coroner's Jury having returned a_"VERDICT OF WILFUL MURDER AGAINST SOME PERSON OR PERSONS UNKNOWN," _theabove Reward will be paid to any Person (other than a Person belongingto a Police Force in the United Kingdom) who shall give such Informationas shall lead to the Discovery and Conviction of the Murderer orMurderers; and the Secretary of State for the Home Department willadvise the Grant of her Majesty's Gracious_


  _to any Accomplice not being the Person who actually committed theMurder who shall give such evidence as shall lead to a like result._

  _Evidence to be given, to the Director of Criminal Investigators, GreatScotland Yard, or at any Police station._