A Secret Inheritance (Volume 2 of 3) Page 13
Before, however, myself commencing the work there is somethingessential for you to do. Accompanying my own manuscript is a packet,carefully sealed and secured, on the outer sheet of which is written,"Not to be disturbed or opened until instructions to do so are givenby Abraham Sandival to his friend Maximilian Gallenofa." Theprecaution is sufficient to whet any man's curiosity, but is not takento that end. It is simply in pursuance of the plan I have designed, bywhich you will become possessed of all the details and particulars forthe proper understanding of what I shall impart to you. The packet, mydear Max, is neither more nor less than a life record made by GabrielCarew himself up to within a few months of his marriage, which tookplace twenty years ago in the village of Nerac. The lady Gabriel Carewmarried was the daughter of Doctor Louis, a gentleman of rareacquirements, and distinguished both for his learning and benevolence.There is no evidence in the record as to whether its recital wasspread over a number of years, or was begun and finished within a fewmonths; but that matters little. It bears the impress of absolutetruth and candour, and apart from its startling revelations you willrecognise in it a picturesqueness of description hardly to be expectedfrom one who had not made a study of literature. Its perusal willperplexedly stir your mind, and in the feelings it will excite towardsGabriel Carew there will most likely be an element of pity, the reasonfor which you will find it difficult to explain. "Season youradmiration for a while;" before I am at the end of my task the riddlewill be solved.
As I pen these words I can realise your perplexity during your perusalof the record as to the manner in which my son Reginald came beassociated with so strange a man as the writer. But this is a world ofmystery, and we can never hope to find a key to its spiritualworkings. With respect to this particular mystery nothing shall behidden from you. You will learn how I came to be mixed up in it; youwill learn how vitally interwoven it threatened to be in Reginald'slife; you will learn how Gabriel Carew's manuscript fell into myhands; and the mystery of his life will be revealed to you.
Now, my dear Max, you can unfasten the packet, and read the record.